
Heterosexual Fertility Treatments

Individualized fertility solutions are offered to couples in the Hudson Valley region at our state-of-the-art facility. Our extensive array of services and testing alternatives are meticulously curated to provide unwavering support on your journey towards parenthood.

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Couples Fertility Treatment & Care

Are you and your partner prepared to begin a family but are experiencing challenges with infertility? We recognize that navigating through infertility can be a complex and emotional process. Hudson Valley Fertility (HVF) has a strong history of assisting individuals and couples who are facing these difficulties, offering support and valuable guidance towards fostering a sense of hope, love, and the possibility of life. Upon entering our facility, you are embraced within our caring and supportive community. Let us collaborate to help turn your aspirations into a reality. At the Tree of Life Center, we provide prospective parents with opportunities to explore assisted reproductive technology options, as well as informing them about relevant legal considerations, treatment costs, insurance coverage, and other pertinent details.


By the age of 40, women have only 3% of their egg reserves left. One in 20 men experience fertility problems due to low sperm count. Infertility is very common. One in eight couples in the U.S. today suffers from infertility due to stress, demanding careers, marrying later in life and environmental conditions. The HV Fertility team is here to help you with advice and support.

When You Should Book an Appointment

Traditional methods of conception have proven to be ineffective for you, and despite conceiving through natural intercourse, unfortunately, you experienced a miscarriage.

Female Fertility Testing

The Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is a key diagnostic tool in assessing infertility. This X-ray dye test is highly effective in evaluating the condition of the uterus and fallopian tubes, confirming whether the tubes are unobstructed and detecting any significant uterine abnormalities. Typically conducted between days 6-10 of a natural or induced menstrual cycle, the HSG involves the injection of contrast dye through a specialized catheter placed within the cervix, while a simultaneous X-ray imaging reveals the structure of the pelvic organs.

The saline infusion sonogram serves as an additional diagnostic tool for assessing the female pelvic organs. This procedure offers a more precise evaluation for detecting uterine irregularities such as small endometrial polyps, fibroids, or adhesions. In this office-based test, a saline solution is gently introduced into the uterus using a specialized transcervical catheter. The distension of the uterine cavity with saline is crucial for visualizing these minute abnormalities. Subsequently, a transvaginal ultrasound is conducted post-catheter insertion, with saline injection enhancing the clarity of the uterine cavity images. Similar to the HSG, taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication one hour prior to the saline infusion sonogram can help alleviate any discomfort experienced during the procedure.

In certain clinical situations, a sampling of uterine lining tissue is a helpful clinical evaluation. Indications for this procedure include recurrent pregnancy loss, certain cases of irregular ovulation and abnormal uterine bleeding. During this procedure, a small amount of tissue is taken from the uterus using an office- based procedure. This biopsy is performed using a soft, plastic biopsy catheter inserted into the uterus during pelvic exam. Betadine or other antiseptic solution is used to minimize risk of infection with this procedure. A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory such as Ibuprofen is administered one hour prior to the biopsy to minimize discomfort.

Testing for infertility encompasses a range of blood tests aimed at examining reproductive hormones, markers of egg quality, infection, general health, genetic factors, and immune factors that may impact fertility. Typically, for women, these tests are conducted around day 2 or 3 of the menstrual cycle to provide optimal information on hormonal levels and egg quality. Some tests, like those to assess ovulation hormones, may be done later in the cycle on day 21. For women with irregular cycles, a blood pregnancy test may be required prior to hormonal treatment initiation and to facilitate scheduling further tests. Male screening is also essential if a male partner is part of the evaluation process.

Male Fertility Testing

A comprehensive semen analysis plays a crucial role in the assessment of infertility cases involving a male partner. The collection of semen is conducted through masturbation or the use of a specialized sperm-collection condom during sexual intercourse. The laboratory assessment encompasses various parameters of sperm quality, including volume, count, motility (movement), and morphology (sperm shape). In instances where significant abnormalities are detected in the preliminary analysis, further evaluation may be required. It is advisable for individuals to abstain from intercourse or ejaculation for 2-3 days prior to the analysis to optimize the specimen quality. To ensure the viability of the sperm and the accuracy of the analysis, the specimen should be delivered to the laboratory within one hour of production.

Infertility testing encompasses a range of blood tests that are designed to assess reproductive hormones and markers of egg quality. These tests also screen for potential infections and evaluate general health, genetic predispositions, and immune factors that could impact the reproductive process.

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