LGBTIQ+ Family Options

Our fertility clinic is dedicated to assisting LGBTIQ+ families in achieving their goals of parenthood with a variety of fertility treatment solutions.

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In consideration of your individual circumstances, you may be exploring the necessity of engaging an egg donor, sperm donor, and/or gestational carrier (surrogate) to provide care for your embryo and fetus throughout the duration of the pregnancy. Hudson Valley Fertility provides comprehensive fertility solutions and a wide array of services tailored to accommodate various lifestyles and relationships, delivered within a compassionate and nurturing setting.

Equal Opportunity for All Couples

At Hudson Valley Fertility, our Fishkill, NY office is dedicated to serving individuals in Dutchess, Ulster, Orange, Sullivan, and Putnam County with comprehensive infertility services. We extend our warm welcome and support to all members of the LGBTIQ+ community, respecting and embracing their unique paths to parenthood. Our team is committed to providing compassionate care and assisting all individuals in achieving their family-building goals.

Lesbian Couples

Our comprehensive hormone tests are designed to uncover any underlying fertility issues, ensuring that potential obstacles are addressed prior to conception. By assessing your ovulation patterns and ovarian reserve, we can provide valuable insights into your fertility health. Additionally, a Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) can accurately evaluate the health and patency of your Fallopian tubes.

In certain cases, a straightforward intervention such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) utilizing donor sperm may be recommended, whether from an anonymous or known donor. For individuals facing challenges related to diminished ovarian reserves or tubal/pelvic issues, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is often the optimal option to maximize the chances of achieving pregnancy.

  • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

    Intrauterine insemination (IUI) effectively enhances the quantity of sperm capable of reaching the Fallopian tube, thereby significantly elevating the probability of successful fertilization. This procedure provides sperm with a strategic advantage by facilitating their journey and circumventing potential hindrances posed by cervical mucus. Optimal outcomes are realized through precise timing of the IUI procedure coinciding with spontaneous ovulation. Moreover, the incorporation of an artificial ovulation trigger in the form of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) can further enhance the timing and efficacy of insemination.

  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

    In vitro fertilization (IVF) is an advanced procedure where eggs are retrieved from the ovaries and fertilized with sperm in a laboratory setting. IVF boasts the highest success rate among treatments utilizing one's own eggs or sperm.

  • Reciprocal IVF (CO-IVF)

    In this treatment, both female partners in a couple have the opportunity to either use their eggs or carry the pregnancy. The couple has the option to choose whether to use the same egg and sperm source, resulting in 100% genetic siblings, or create embryos from each female partner.

  • Donor Egg Treatment

    Donor egg treatment is a form of assisted reproduction in which a woman undergoes an IVF cycle using eggs provided by a healthy donor. These egg donors are typically females between the ages of 21 to 32 who have undergone thorough medical, genetic, and psychological screening to ensure their suitability for donation. Donors contribute their eggs anonymously to help individuals or couples struggling with fertility to conceive.

  • Donor Egg Treatment with Gestational Carrier

    Pregnancy assistance through the use of donor eggs and gestational surrogacy is a viable option for couples within the LGBTIQ+ community. A gestational carrier, or surrogate, is a woman who carries a child but has no genetic connection to the baby. These carriers undergo thorough screening processes before being matched with intended parents. On average, the wait time to be matched with a gestational carrier ranges from 3 to 6 months. It is legally required for all gestational carriers to seek legal counsel, even when entering into agreements with friends or family members.


To address the biological and financial challenges that gay men may encounter when pursuing parenthood, there are solutions available. One option is utilizing a female gestational carrier who will carry the baby to term. In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate is inseminated with the male's sperm, making her the biological mother of the child. In gestational surrogacy, donor eggs from another female are fertilized with the man's sperm in the embryology lab. Following this process, the resulting embryos are transferred to the surrogate's uterus for gestation.

  • Dual Insemination

    Male couples have the option to participate in dual insemination, where each partner can provide sperm to create an embryo. This embryo can be transferred to a chosen or hired gestational carrier who will carry the pregnancy to term.

  • Donor Egg Treatment with Gestational Carrier

    Individuals in the LGBTIQ+ community can explore pregnancy assistance through the use of donor eggs in conjunction with gestational surrogacy. A gestational carrier, also known as a surrogate, is a woman who carries a child to term but has no genetic relationship to the baby. These carriers undergo extensive screening procedures prior to the surrogacy process. Typically, the wait time to be matched with a gestational carrier ranges from 3 to 6 months. It is important for all gestational carriers, whether they are working with a known individual or a professional agency, to seek legal advice to ensure a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities throughout the surrogacy journey.


For transgender individuals who are interested in having children today or in the future, there are options available to preserve their genetic material before undergoing a transition. It may be advisable to consider freezing eggs or sperm prior to embarking on surgery or hormonal treatments.


Research is currently ongoing to understand the impact of long-term use of exogenous testosterone on ovarian function. Typically, testosterone therapy can result in the ovaries ceasing ovulation and causing amenorrhea. In some cases, these effects can be reversed once testosterone therapy is stopped.

  • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

    Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a fertility treatment that enhances the number of sperm that can reach the Fallopian tube, thereby increasing the likelihood of fertilization. By providing sperm with a head start, IUI offers them a strategic advantage in the reproductive process. This procedure also helps sperm bypass the cervical mucus barrier that can impede their progression in some cases. For optimal results, it is recommended to perform IUI precisely at the time of spontaneous ovulation. Additionally, the timing of insemination can be further optimized by using an artificial ovulation trigger in the form of hCG (pregnancy hormone).

  • Reciprocal IVF (CO-IVF)

    In this treatment, both individuals in a couple have the option to utilize their eggs or carry the pregnancy. The couple can decide to use the same egg/sperm source, resulting in the birth of 100% genetic siblings, or opt to create embryos from each female.

  • Donor Egg Treatment with Gestational Carrier

    Pregnancy assistance through the use of donor eggs and gestational surrogacy can be viable options for couples within the LGBTIQ+ community. In gestational surrogacy, the gestational carrier is a woman who has no genetic connection to the child she is carrying and has undergone comprehensive screening procedures beforehand. On average, the wait time to be matched with a gestational carrier is typically 3-6 months. It is crucial for all gestational carriers to seek legal advice, regardless of whether they are working with a friend or family member.


Research is currently ongoing to understand the impact of long-term use of exogenous testosterone on ovarian function. Typically, testosterone therapy can result in the ovaries ceasing ovulation and causing amenorrhea. In some cases, these effects can be reversed once testosterone therapy is stopped.

  • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

    Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a fertility treatment that can boost the number of sperm reaching the Fallopian tube, improving the likelihood of fertilization. This procedure provides sperm with a competitive edge by aiding their journey towards the egg. By bypassing the cervical mucus, which can impede sperm progress in some instances, IUI helps increase the chances of conception. For optimal results, it is recommended to schedule IUI around the time of natural ovulation. Additionally, the use of an artificial ovulation trigger such as hCG (pregnancy hormone) can further enhance the timing of insemination.

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